
A little bit about us:
- Our chapter was founded in 1947
- We have been recognized by Penn State as an alumni "Chapter of Distinction" five years in a row
- Our chapter has one of the largest scholarship endowments, thanks to generous donations
- As of July 2016, Connecticut has the largest percentage of alums that are members of the Penn State Alumni Association (that's 37%, higher than the nationwide average of 29%)
- Organize bus service for students at holiday breaks
- Organize a tailgate at homecoming
- We have over 130 dues paying members and about 1700 Penn State alumni in our geographic region (most of Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts)
- We give back to the community: freshman scholarship, annual freshman sendoff, volunteer at college nights, Habitat for Humanity
- We have fun, gather for football games, sell football tickets, and more
Exciting news! Starting in July 2022, alumni groups and the Alumni Association have moved to a single dues approach for membership. This means less confusion for alumni and friends about which group they have joined because when you join the Alumni Association, you will automatically become a member of your local chapter. If you travel regularly or spend your year in two different areas, you will have the opportunity to receive information from multiple local chapters without paying additional dues. The new model will also allow us to expand the membership benefits that we are able to offer. Finally, since our chapter will no longer have to spend time and energy collecting dues, we will be able to focus more time on engaging alumni and friends in our area. If you would like to learn more about this new approach, visit To join our group, become a member of the Alumni Association by visiting
Your Amazon purchases can now support the Chapter!
Amazon Smile gives 0.5% of your total purchase price to the Chapter, to support scholarships, events, and more. Go to and search for "Penn State" or "Penn State Connecticut" and choose the option "Penn State Alumni Connecticut Valley Chapter". Then, for future Amazon purchases, use ... go there to learn more about this innovative way to support the Chapter!
Want to get involved with us? Fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch!
Benefits of being involved with us:
Benefits of being involved with us:
- Community of other Penn Staters in Connecticut
- Invitation to annual spring dinner and silent auction
- Specials at football weekend gatherings
- Volunteer for chapter events
- A way to give back to Penn State
- Newsletter
- click here for the 2017 edition
- click here for the 2018 edition
- click here for the 2019 edition
- click here for the 2020 edition - please note: there is some out of date content, as this was ready to mail in time for our spring dinner, which was canceled prior to its announcement